Los Cabos is one of the most diverse holiday destinations you can choose… desert on one side, sea on the other, and stunning surprises in between. The natural richness, biodiversity and the perfect climate are just some reasons why millions of travelers head to this marvelous peninsula looking for an unbeatable retreat, but for those who love sea-life, here is the Eden.
Due to the exceptional union of two great seas, The Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California, the biological diversity in Los Cabos is incomparable. This convergence provides a myriad of impressive marine species, some of them only come for a season, like the humpback whale (December to April), or the black and blue marlin that comes only in autumn.
Today we are going to talk about one of the most incredible mammals who often swim around Los Cabos waters: The Orcas or Killer Whales. Don´t lose the opportunity to approach to them with the recognized and professional tours operated by Cabo Adventures, Cabo Expeditions and Sunrider Tours.
You’ll have the chance to experience close encounters with dolphins, fish schools, sea lions, manta rays, and whale sharks among other breathtaking undersea creatures. Discover some of the most extraordinary and remote wonders of the world in the Sea of Cortez on your next trip to Cabo San Lucas.
It´s important to know that all of them provides a secure and free –from-danger experience. The preservation of all species is the main concern along Los Cabos.
Researchers stated that humans don’t match to the taste buds of killer whales so they don’t add humans to their diet. Another theory says that we do not resemble any type of food source a killer whale is likely to eat so they do not see any reason to attack us. The third possible reason is that as a society killer whales have taught one another that hunting humans is not good or desirable and that people should be left alone.
They are potent, magnificent, clever and beautiful species, but above all they are a family that hunt, play and travel together. They communicate with each other and help each other out in hard times. When one member of the pod dies, the rest are believed to mourn it. Although seldom seen, it is possible to see Orcas in the waters off the coast of Cabo San Lucas.
Although orcas tend to aggregate in cold water, they live in all the world's oceans, from the Antarctic to the tropics, and also Baja California Sur, Mexico. They use to move in response to the location of their marine mammal prey, such as seals and sea lions making their movement patterns much less predictable.
The killer whales are the top predator in the world’s ocean and some studies assure they are smarter than chimpanzees. In the Gulf of California, they find an essential part of their diet such as sea lions, fish, turtles, squid, crabs, lobsters and baby whales.
These animals are actually not whales at all; they belong to the dolphin family. Male Orcas average 27 feet in length and weigh 8 tons with dorsal fins growing as high as 6 feet. Females are smaller, growing to an average 23 feet and weighing six tons.
They're an apex predator and sit at the top of the food chain. This means that everything in their environment, from the bottom to the top, affects their survival. Habitat conservation is really important. The whales are smart; they know what they need to do to survive, but they need our help in keeping their house clean and safe - so they have plenty of nutritious food, clean pollution-free water, and plenty of space to feel free.
Before you go…
Los Cabos is a hotbed of adventures, nature, sophistication, relaxation and fun. If you visit once, you’ll certainly want to return. It´s a destination filled with pristine beaches, high-end resorts, incredible tours and friendly people. Actually, most of its beaches have received the world’s recognized certification Blue flag.